Reduce, reuse, recycle. RRR. We’ve all heard about the three R’s. I personally hear the Jack Johnson song every time the subject comes up. And come up it does. All the time. On land, we were being good citizens of the planet by invoking the 3Rs, but on a boat, it’s a way of life. You simple don’t have space to store a bunch of consumables, and you don’t have much room to store them when they become trash.
One of the biggest offenders are Paper Towels. I hear it all the time when we meet new cruising families. “Where do you store all the paper towels?”. “The hardest part of the Bahamas/Virgin Islands/Kokomo is finding paper towels at the store”.
My response? We don’t. Well, sort of. We have a few rolls of paper towels for bacon grease, engine oil, etc…but mostly we use cloth paper towels. These are small, washable, and can be rolled up just like your mom’s paper towels.
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Are these Marley’s? Need to take the plunge, but wondering what y’all like brandwise?
I just confirmed with Meredith that they are Marley’s monsters. This link is for eco soul, which is the same thing (cotton flannel) in a more generic form.: