If you have questions about weather routing or navigation, you’ve come to the wrong place. But, if you’re looking to find some ways to make your life on board a little bit easier….we’ve got a few ideas for you. Each of these have been tried and true on our sailboat Twig.
Inductive Reasoning
You have propane stoves, I get it. You don’t need an electric stove. Plus, electric stoves are dangerous and hot. Sorry to say, but you’re wrong. You need an induction cooktop, and here’s why You’re welcome. Please check out our other hacks, and sign up to receive updates when we publish a new one!
Stream it
If you don’t have a soda stream on board already, do yourself a favor and go get one right now. If the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) don’t compel you, the storage space for normal soda cans should. Not to mention the lack of availability of your favorite soda in islands far away. I…
Brew once, drink often
You love coffee. You know you do. I haven’t met a cruiser yet who doesn’t. It gets you through night watches and early morning departures. Plus, it’s just delicious. But, your land based glass carafe isn’t going to cut it on the boat. First, glass breaks. Glass and boats are a bad combo. Second, glass…
Soap n Water
Chances are that you either have a sink full of sudsy water in your galley, or you have to store dish soap by the gallon because you go through it so often. Here’s a secret: get a spray bottle and fill it up with mostly water. Shoot a bit of dish soap in there and…
Cloth Paper Towels
Reduce, reuse, recycle. RRR. We’ve all heard about the three R’s.